Southard Farms Tour: Silvopasture, Grow-Your-Own-Feed and Farmer Social Dinner (Madison)

 Registration is closed for this event
Come out and learn from Keith Southard who is, with the help of his family, using sustainable and humane methods while regenerating the land. Southard Farms produces pastured pork, turkey, chicken, and eggs outdoors on a rotational grazing system through pasture and wood lots. On this tour, you'll see hogs thriving in old-growth forests, silos full of ingredients for homemade livestock feed, and get to connect with your fellow producers (over a home-cooked meal!) who want to do the same.  **please wear clean shoes to prevent the spread of diseases/parasites** Childcare available!

Farm Bio: Welcome to Southard Farms in Madison, Alabama. We are producing pastured pork, chicken, and eggs outdoors on a rotational grazing system through pasture and wood lots. Using sustainable and humane methods while regenerating the land is our goal.  Our hogs are a closed herd inlcuding a farrow to finish operation.  Our laying hens are raised from day old chicks and are completely outside rotated across alfalfa fields once they start laying eggs.  Our broiler chickens are raised from day old chicks, moved to pasture at three weeks old and rotated daily across fresh pasture. 


What is CRAFT?

CRAFT stands for Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training and is a model for on-farm peer-to-peer training and network-building for farmers. The original CRAFT network formed in upstate New York and has been replicated many times since, adapted to meet the needs of each particular place.

The Alabama CRAFT Network is made by farmers for farmers, focusing our programming for small farmers (under 100 acres), landless farmers (renters, employees, interns, apprentices) and large-scale producers who are interested in sustainable or organic practices. It builds on past efforts to build community and share knowledge – including but not limited to the Regional Alabama Farmer Socials, and ASAN’s kindling workdays and crop mobs and Skillshare Trainings. Full  Schedule can be found at

It is led by a 12-person ('24-'25) statewide Farmer Steering Committee who determines and carries our the slate for the year with support from our Farmer Programs Director, Arlo Pate If you are interested in joining the SC, please reach out to Arlo (and see info below)!


Alabama CRAFT is supported through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP). TOPP is a program of the USDA Organic Transition Initiative and is administered by the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) National Organic Program (NOP)

November 24, 2024 from  1:00 PM to  5:00 PM
27603 Huntsville Browns Ferry Road
Madison, AL 35756